If the LRT-2, the MRT-3 or the PNR are part of your daily commute route, you’ll be glad to know that free rides will be given to vaccinated APORs (Authorized Persons Outside Residence) for the entire duration of the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, which ends on August 31.
Confusingly though, the free rides take place during different schedules. So take note if you want to take advantage of the offer (assuming you’re authorized to go out and you’re already vaccinated).
Free rides for the LRT-2 and the PNR will happen during off-peak hours:
LRT-2 off-peak hours
- 5am to 7am
- 9am to 5pm
- 7pm to 9pm
PNR off-peak hours
- 10am to 3pm
For the MRT-3, free rides will be provided during peak hours:
MRT-3 peak hours
- 7am to 9am
- 5pm to 7pm
This program aims to encourage more APORs to get vaccinated, considering the emergence of new coronavirus variants in the country. The Department of Transportation will also reevaluate this program later on for further extensions, depending on the quarantine status and the operational requirements of the rail lines.
The DOTr says that strict health and safety protocols will be enforced by transport marshals on the trains, and passengers who manifest COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to board.