The people behind Waze—you know, that little smartphone app that now makes it impossible to get lost while driving—have released Philippine traffic statistics collected on Valentine’s Day last year (which was a Thursday, in case you’re curious). This would have been really helpful if the press release had been sent to us at least, say, a day earlier so we could have alerted our readers to the places they probably should avoid on a day when everyone feels horny romantic. But whatever.
According to Waze, three types of business establishments register significant spikes in navigation requests on February 14: food, malls and flowers.
- Dessert stores – +82%
- Restaurants – +61%
- Fast food – +47%
- Movie theaters – +31%
- Shopping centers – +23%
- Flower shops – +1,140%
While the above numbers are pretty much expected, we feel there’s one statistic Waze is hiding from us—the spike in navigation requests for motels. Seriously, isn’t the drive-in hotel the most obvious destination at this time of the year? Maybe this piece of information isn’t wholesome enough for Waze’s PR team. Or maybe there’s really not much increase in navigation usage around motels because, well, those who go to these places already know their way by heart.
Or maybe Waze users don’t use the app for intimate trysts for fear of leaving a trace in the digital world. You can’t be too careful these days, you know.